Your Trusted PHE Provider!
Moody Heat Exchangers
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Our Heat Exchanger Team

Our greatest asset is our heat exchanger team of experienced PHE engineers and operatives. All of which are on hand to assist with general maintenance, testing and refurbishment of your plate heat exchangers.

Martin Thomas
Heat Exchanger Engineer

Kyle Needham
Plate-shop Operative

Matt Smith - PHE Operative

Matt Smith
Plate-shop Operative

James Sheard - PHE Operative

James Sheard
Plate-shop Operative

Ryan Reynolds
Plate-shop Operative

Harrison Haskins
Apprentice PHE Engineer

Dan Proctor
Heat Exchanger / Testing Engineer

John Fisher - NDT Technician

John Fisher
Heat Exchanger / Testing Engineer

Our engineers are trained to perform a range of integrity testing, servicing and maintenance on your plant. With our on-site refurbishment centre, our operatives can recondition plate heat exchangers to optimise performance.

Furthermore, our heat exchanger team is supported by another team of service engineers who are skilled to repair and maintain a range of process equipment. You can find out more by visiting